The Black Dahlia Murder: “Child of Night” (video)

We, members of our beloved and hidden world of the heavy metal underground teeming just below the surface, are the verminous. The rats and roaches looming in the cracks and crevices of this fallen world. We are the pariahs that the world of normality finds loathsome and obscene. We are the carriers of a plague of knowledge so vile that it could bring the unsuspecting mankind to its knees. Always the underdogs. Our love for this music and what it means to our lives is foolishly underestimated.

Trevor Strnad – The Black Dahlia Murder

El nuevo disco de la banda, Verminous  sale a mediados de Abril

Sobre Krups

Creadora del Abismo Blogzine y del Illimani Metal Fest, nació en La Paz y ahora radica en Alemania. Melómana y metalera desde hace 25 años, ingeniera de profesión. Aprovecha cada oportunidad para ver bandas en vivo, visitar nuevos lugares y para la fotografía.

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