La conocida banda británica Crippled Black Phoenix lanzó su nuevo videoclip Cry of love, parte de su nuevo álbum Ellengæst que saldrá en Octubre próximo y cuenta con varios músicos invitados, en el caso de este tema con las voces de Ryan Patterson (Fotocrime, ex-Coliseum) y Suzie Stapleton.
Ryan came back with the words and vocals after I sent him the song. We already connected with him and being fellow animal lovers and vegans. The song lyrics are about Ryan’s cat Willie who sadly passed away. Coincidentally, at the same time we (Belinda and myself) lost two of our cat family, Nell and Tigger (the old three-legged dude who starred on the cover of Horrific Honorifics). So this song is like a coming together to celebrate the love we have for the cats, how we miss them and how they influence our lives.