Category: Reviews
Wishdoomdark – Return of the Dark Magic (2020)
Wishdoomdark is a band composed of Paganist on drums, Alex Ezeptrone on vocals and guitars, Druid on bass and Moran on keyboards; from Donskoy Russia, and that has been putting out consistent works since 2006 framed in the glory days of English doom/death of the early nineties, with compositions full…
Unverkalt – L’ Origine Du Monde (2020)
Cryptic Shift “Visitations from Enceladus” (2020) Interview and Review
The debut album by Cryptic Shift, an English band from Leeds composed by: Xander Bradley on vocals and guitars (Defacement, Slimelord); John Riley on bass (Slimelord, Brass Animal, Encopresis); Ryan Sheperson on drums (Slimelord); and Joss Farrington on guitars (Seprevation); is an album that, from the outset, and in an…
Rope Sect – (2017) Personae Ingratae (Max, guest author)
Yeah, this is a webzine about (extreme) metal, and I still consider myself a devotee of northern darkness incarnate. However, there are certain trends, or tides, manifesting in some bands, which surprisingly appeal to those wanting to circle-dance burning churches, despite sounding neither “evil”, nor “true”. This thought first occurred…
GOLD – Optimist (Max, guest author)
Wishdoomdark – Return of the Dark Magic (2020)

Wishdoomdark is a band composed of Paganist on drums, Alex Ezeptrone on vocals and guitars, Druid on bass and Moran on keyboards; from Donskoy Russia, and that has been putting out consistent works since 2006 framed in the glory days of English doom/death of the early nineties, with compositions full…
Unverkalt – L’ Origine Du Monde (2020)
Cryptic Shift “Visitations from Enceladus” (2020) Interview and Review

The debut album by Cryptic Shift, an English band from Leeds composed by: Xander Bradley on vocals and guitars (Defacement, Slimelord); John Riley on bass (Slimelord, Brass Animal, Encopresis); Ryan Sheperson on drums (Slimelord); and Joss Farrington on guitars (Seprevation); is an album that, from the outset, and in an…
Rope Sect – (2017) Personae Ingratae (Max, guest author)

Yeah, this is a webzine about (extreme) metal, and I still consider myself a devotee of northern darkness incarnate. However, there are certain trends, or tides, manifesting in some bands, which surprisingly appeal to those wanting to circle-dance burning churches, despite sounding neither “evil”, nor “true”. This thought first occurred…