La banda neerlandesa GGGOLDDD, hasta hace poco conocida solo como Gold y que debió cambiar su nombre genérico para facilitar la búsqueda a sus fans, nos trae un nuevo single, el intenso Notes On How To Trust. Una canción que habla sobre agresión, trauma y confianza.
The new album tells the story of my personal experience with sexual assault. I was raped at the tender age of nineteen by someone I trusted and had fallen in love with and it shaped me a lot. I’ve ignored my trauma and everything that comes with that for many years. It was easier to pretend it had not happened at all, than to accept it. The song “Notes On How To Trust” is about learning how to trust again after such trauma, when every boundary is blurry and every person you meet is a possible risk it’s a challenge staying sane. It’s about trusting others but mostly about trusting yourself.
I’ve ignored my trauma for many years. It was easier to pretend it had not happened at all, than to accept it. In the silence of lockdown there was no escaping it. To relieve myself from all this I started writing this piece of music, together with Thomas and our fellow band members Igor, Jaka, Danielle and Vincent.
Este tema es parte del próximo álbum de la banda titulado This Shame Should Not Be Mine y que saldrá el primero de abril de 2022 a través de Artoffact Records. Además la vocalista Eva y el guitarrista Thomas, serán los curadores del próximo Roadburn Festival donde por cierto, en su edición virtual de este año, el Roadburn Redux, la banda presentó este álbum en vivo siendo uno de los shows más vistos del evento.